Using DeepSeek AI Translation with Eudic Dictionary

Eudic Dictionary’s default translation quality is average, and using Eudic AI requires a separate payment. Fortunately, Eudic supports adding third-party translation engines, including OpenAI and DeepSeek. DeepSeek AI offers free credits and costs only 1CNY per million tokens, making it highly cost-effective. Therefore, I chose to use DeepSeek AI as the translation engine.

Here are the detailed steps.

Add Translation Engine

Path: Eudic Dictionary => Translation & Writing => Settings => Engine Settings => Add Translation Engine

Configure Translation Engine

After successful addition:

  1. First visit DeepSeek’s official website to get API Key
  2. Configure the translation engine, enter API Key, note the temperature parameter, DeepSeek officially recommends setting it to 1.3
  3. Click verify. After successful verification, click confirm
  4. Check to enable this engine

Actual Experience

After actual use, the translation quality is comparable to GPT.

Advanced Usage: One-Click Translation with Alfred Workflow

For Alfred users, it’s recommended to install Eudic Tools. This tool allows you to select any text and quickly launch Eudic translation with one click.


If you don’t prefer DeepSeek, you can follow similar steps to switch to other AI engines.