Great Plugins for Visual Studio Code

JetBrains WebStorm is my primary tool for code development, which is more suitable for full project development, while VSC is a lightweight development editor. For instance, sometimes, I use it to handle an Nginx configuration or a test HTML file. Therefore, the two do not conflict—one is a heavy-duty weapon, and the other is a lightweight submachine gun. Turning VSC into a powerful tool requires investment because it lacks many built-in features. Therefore, it requires installing a relatively large number of plugins.

Here, I list some of the plugins I have installed.

It is continuously updated and adjusted.

Auto Rename Tag

Automatically renames paired tags.

Darcula IntelliJ Theme

IDEA theme is used to ensure a consistent code style with IDEA.

EditorConfig for VS Code

Ensures a consistent code style.

HTML CSS Support

Provides suggestions for ID and class attributes.

IntelliJ IDEA Keybindings

Maintains keyboard shortcuts as consistent as possible with IDEA.

JavaScript (ES6) code snippets

Highlights input JS code snippets.

NGINX Configuration

Syntax highlighting for conf files.

open in browser

Opens files in the browser.


Tracks programming activities.


Supports py syntax.

Code Spell Checker

Checks word spelling to avoid typos.

GitLens — Git supercharged

Opens remote addresses for git files, among other features.

At the end

So, everyone has different preferences. What plugins do you have?