Command Line Git Operations Repeatedly Prompt for Username and Password

When executing git pull/push operations in the terminal, it keeps prompting for username and password, even though I’ve already entered them before. Here’s how to solve this issue.

Git Prompting for Username and Password

Username for '': Password for '': 


  1. Open the terminal and execute git config --global credential.helper store command to store credentials locally.
  2. Execute the git pull/push operation, enter username and password once, and it won’t prompt again for subsequent operations.

Command Scope Explanation

  • When using the --global parameter, the setting affects all Git repositories for the current user. The configuration is saved in the ~/.gitconfig file in the user’s home directory.
  • If you want it to only affect the current repository, remove the --global parameter and execute git config credential.helper store. The configuration will be saved in the .git/config file of the current repository.

Alternative Solutions

If the above operation doesn’t work, try the following steps:

  1. First, clear existing credential configuration:
git config --global --unset credential.helper
  1. Reset credential storage:
git config --global credential.helper store

At the end

Git is a frequently used tool, so it’s important to document common issues promptly for future reference.