Transforming VSC into a Tool to Complement IDEA
The most used IDEs are IntelliJ IDEA and WebStorm. I recently switched from Navicat to DataGrip for database management, aiming to maintain a consistent operational habit, making applying one approach to everything easy. However, both IDEA and WebStorm are pretty heavy, and sometimes, launching IDEA or WebStorm can take a lot of work for simple tasks like editing a web page.
VSC has become very popular over the years due to its lightweight nature and extensive plugin support. Therefore, I decided to modify VSC according to some operational habits from IDEA to improve efficiency.
Plugin Installation
- IntelliJ IDEA Keybindings
Keep most shortcuts consistent with IDEA
- open in the browser
Open files in browser
- Darcula IntelliJ Theme
Keep theme consistent with IDEA
- Prettier - Code formatter
- EditorConfig for VS Code
- TSLint
And so on.
Custom Settings
- Change the shortcut for Open in Default Browser to
⌥ F2
to match the preview in the browser shortcut in IDEA.
Final Notes
- Currently, not many plugins are installed, mainly because VSC’s role in my toolset is specific. Too many plugins might make VSC less “lightweight,” which needs to be controlled.
- After tuning and familiarization, I now use Macdown for MD editing and VSC for quick editing of simple HTML, JSON files, PlantUML, and lightweight projects. For larger projects, I still rely on launching IDEA or WebStorm. So, it’s the perfect toolset.